Experience Tahiti differently by embarking on an adventure!
Visit the island via the cross-island road, accessible only by 4WD.

The cross-island road is yours!

Tahiti by 4WD

Comfortably seated in a 4WD specially equipped for adventure, you will explore the interior of Tahiti Island, discovering natural sites that were silent witnesses to the arrival of the first people on these lands.

Lush nature awaits you throughout the excursion. Along the way, you can admire waterfalls on mountain sides, reach the crater of the ancient volcano, contemplate the highest peaks of Tahiti, discover sacred eels and bathe in natural pools… A guaranteed change of scenery!

Do you dream of sharing unforgettable moments in an exceptionally preserved setting? Book your excursion now!

Extreme Sports Bike
Extreme Sports Mountain Climbing
Extreme Sports Bike
Extreme Sports Mountain Climbing
Leave with peace of mind

Practical information

  • Essential to plan for – We recommend that you bring: a swimsuit, a towel, a cap or hat, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, a large bottle of water. Given the risk of rain that can occur at altitude, we also advise you to bring a waterproof jacket.

  • Picnic – Lunch is not included in our excursion packages. Therefore, we invite you to bring your drinks and your picnic.

  • Pregnant women – Our excursions, whether for a full day or half day, are not recommended for pregnant women, due to the jolts that can be caused by the off-road 4WD journey.

  • Toddlers – Our excursions are not recommended for children under 5 years old.

+ 350,000

km traveled


passengers per year

+ 10

years of experience


as average rating

Ciao Tahiti Excursions 4×4

Ciao Tahiti Excursions 4×4

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